In addition how much ram would you all suggest I get in the computer? Maybe the rest I asked previously is just left up to personal preference. I do want it to be quick though loading up and working in genral. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Josh" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 3:19 PM
Subject: [Blind-Computing] New Laptop

Hello everyone,
I am considering buying a new laptop for my fiance. She is sighted, but I will still have to access it from time to time to see what kind of problem she may have encountered. I am researching some different things and have come across a couple of different websites dealing with processors. Apparently Intel is the best leaving AMD in the dust. However, when looking at Intel there is still a wide selection to choose from. A couple that is sticking out to me right now are the 790X which I think it said it had a processor speed of 3.3 ghz, but could handle up to 3.7 ghz. Then there is the i2500 which is supposedly last years model, maybe even 2010 model, but according to the website that spoke of this processor it is the best on the market right now. Is this the case? Now, we move into 32 bit or 64 bit. My theory is that now that 64 bit has been introduced eventually 32 bit will phase out. Is that a safe assumption? In the meantime though i hear that a lot of programs are not supporting 64 bit at this time. Is this correct? Does the Microsoft Suite work on either system? I am sure eventually I will need to look into sound cards to determine which one I will want in her system and I guess video card as well. If I buy it off the shelf then I have to take what I get, but if I have it built and that is what I am looking at what is going to be the best or next to best that can go in this system. I say next to best because the best might be out of my price range so I am just wanting to have a fallback option. Any other information when considering a laptop will be greatly appreciated. I want her computer to have the capability of playing games, but if she needs to make a powerpoint for school or if she needs to write a paper for school then she also has that capability as well. So versatility is a must. Thank you all in advance for any information offered on this matter.
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