How do I explain this.  I went to the bard site today with internet explorer to 
re-set my password.  Firefox was letting me in and explorer wasn't.  Weird, 
huh.  Anyway, I tried to re-set it and I even sent a message to the support and 
they re-set it.  It kept saying login has failed, try again.  When I went on it 
again I was tabbing through and security report comes up.  I hit the spacebar 
and now it says that the site is incrypted.  How that happened, I don't know.  
How do I fix that?  I deleted it from my favorites and re-added it a few 
minutes ago.  The second time I tried it, it said it was incrypted again.  That 
has never happened before.  I'm on XP and I'm using explorer *.

Thanks for help. 
Diane Karabin
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Skype Name:  Dianemk77
Facebook Name:  Diane Karabin
Twitter Name:  Dianemk777

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