Yeah, passing round emulators is fine but roms are a grey ariea, technically you need to own the games to have the roms, so you will have to search on google for rom sites, sites are always getting shut down but still if you know where to look, then well.

Take it off list for that.

On 14/12/2019 5:04 am, Liam Erven wrote:

heads up.

Just to let you all know that technically passing around links for roms and stuff is pretty illegal.

Not sure if the list rules cover that, but please keep that in mind.

On 12/13/2019 10:00 AM, ann wrote:

Any game recommendations that work well with this emulator? And where can the game files be downloaded?


On 12/13/2019 10:49 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
I must clarify, this is a system which basically combines a lot of emulators into one unified interface. This gives access to systems ranging from the NES to the PSP, GameCube, and Wii. You’ll need to provide it game files, called ROMS, or “Content” in Retroarch, yourself, Retroarch does not come with any. If you have any problems, I’ll be glad to help.

On Dec 13, 2019, at 9:46 AM, Robert Kingett < <>> wrote:

This game emulator, used for emulating old NES and SNES fames. has built in OCR for in-game text and is also accessible. The announcement is below. No, this won't make video games into audio games or make older games accessible to the blind by way of audio, but still, check it out!

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