Well the easiest way is to install node js, then do an npm install -g npm, then run the install additional tools and that will install everything, vs tools and python latest.

If its you don't want to do anything with node, running the chocolatey installer from chocolatey.org and then just installing whatever you want with choco will probably work.

You can just go to python and install the packages manually but its easier with choco but maybe it me.

I run oriol's games and have to bother about with both these environments.

On 7/02/2021 3:45 am, Jude DaShiell wrote:
Looks like a python program not basic and you may not have python installed on your system.  Even after installing python, usually these packages have dependencies that don't get installed with python that need pip or python-easy-installer to be run to get them installed.  Right now, python is in molting stage which means the python is coming up into a new version and loosing its old skin so even within python it will pay to get the right versions of packages that will be supported into the future.

On Sat, 6 Feb 2021, Nicol wrote:

HI Nataneal
I would like to play  your camel game, but I cannot launch the program.
I've extracted all files into a folder.
This is the error message I get:
 LoadLibrary: PyInstaller: FormatMessageW failed.

Many thanks for any help
South africa

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