Unfortunately I can't help you with the actual game, but if there is a newer version, please do let me know, and I'll get the archive updated.



On 5/23/2021 0:25, Dakotah Rickard wrote:
Hi all.
I got back into Deathmatch Project Alpha, but I'm wondering if the AGArchive version is incomplete. I distinctly remember being able to finish the game, but with this one, once I tractor the power core from the Station into the loading lift, which generates what sounds like a console/button, I can't do anything else. I remember being able to move past this, but I'm wondering if this version is unfinished.
Which would really suck.
Or am I doing something wrong?
The station powers down. I grab the core and pull it along, past the structural failure, and it's supposed to click into place just there. It even makes the click sound and becomes immovable after releasing the beam. But I can't hit enter on it, and nothing happens. Any hints, tips, tricks, etc, would be wonderful. I hate being left on this almost-finished note.

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