For some reason a cork screw comes to mind..  I used one last weekend that had 
a couple of arms that stayed up until the screw was all the way in than were 
pried down against the neck of the bottle which reuslted in the cork being 
raised.  The bung rim may not be right for this style, but maymaybe the old 
bolt could be pushed in and a regular corkscrew screwedd into the rubber and 
hopefully result on the pull being distrbuted throughout the cork or plug  So 
it could be just pulled out.  Of course next time a new bolt would be nedded 
and maybe not shove the thing in as far..
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dale Leavens 
  To: blindhandyman@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:43 PM
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] All bungged up!


  Looking for suggestions.

  I have a roller which you fill with water or sand for adding weight to roll 
out things like the lawn. I released the bung and tried to wiggle it out so I 
could get the water out of it in an effort to preserve it's round shape for 
next year. The rubber bung is a round rubber plug with a washer on each side 
and a bolt which runs through the middle and a wingnut so, when you tighten the 
wingnut it pulls the two washers together which thickens the rubber and it fits 
water tightly in the hole in the side of the drum.

  Well it wouldn't come out!

  I wiggled and jiggled and all it wanted to do was go in which, if it does, I 
will never again retrieve.

  This would not worry me all that much if a replacement was easily available 
but in the past, every time I go to my hardware store they inform me they are 
right out of stock as if they had just sold the last one minutes before my 
arrival. Not only that but they are expecting more on the next truck on Tuesday 
but without fail, some other needy bungger seems to get there before me but I 

  So, I put a small prybar on the wingnut musing as I tried wiggling the little 
beggar that pulling on the nut was pulling on the bolt which would be pulling 
on the washer inside the drum which would be expanding the stopper but I did it 
anyway. I was mistaken though, the wingnut was one of those pressed metal 
things and it decided to slide off of the threads instead, a consequence I had 
not anticipated. The wingnut now reposes probably in my neighbours yard 
somewhere over my shed where he will doubtless find it in the spring and wonder 
which of his devices it had been liberated from.

  I did grab the bolt with a small pair of channel locks so, in some way I 
still have hold of the rubber stopper and bolt and at least the inner washer 
and I have tried, with this hold to jiggle the rubber out of that hole 
including smearing Vaseline over it but, the fit seems to remain too tight.

  The hole appears to be maybe an inch and the bolt only a little longer than 
required but I am thinking I won't get it out of there unless I just melt it or 
burn it with a torch which really isn't useful, might as well leave it to 
rattle about inside there.

  Anyway, I thought I would put it out there on the list in case someone has; 
Either an idea to try or a source for bungs.

  Dale Leavens, Cochrane Ontario Canada
  Skype DaleLeavens
  Come and meet Aurora, Nakita and Nanook at our polar bear habitat.

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