  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan Rossi 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:06 PM
  Subject: [BlindHandyMan] Death of a Shopvac.

  In my last email, I made mention of my poor, undersized, thoroughly abused 
  Shopvac. It was a rather small unit and I asked much of it. I vacuumed 
  up tons of plaster dust and debris, cement debris, tons of wood chips and 
  saw dust. It was starting to have issues over the last few months. It 
  would occasionally squeal here and there, and rather than spinning down 
  nicely when turned off, it would make some rather wretched sound and stop 
  pretty quickly after power was turned off.

  During the cleaning out of the down spout, I knew my little Shopvac was on 
  it's last legs. The bearings must have been going. It screeched and 
  pleaded with me to stop, but I needed to get the down spout cleaned out 
  before the next major rain. The little Shopvac even puffed out a cloud or 
  two of smoke.

  After finishing the down spout project, I retired the Shopvac to the 
  basement for a much needed rest. While cleaning up the basement over the 
  weekend, Teresa said that she was going to use the Shopvac to vacuum up 
  all the dust. I told her the Shopvac was dead and she should leave it in 
  piece. She insisted it still had some life in it. She started vacuuming 
  happily along. I could hear the tortured shrieks of the bearings and 
  smell the smoke, but Teresa was going to get the last out of that Shopvac. 
  I kept waiting for the dust in the bucket to catch fire, but it never did. 
  Finally, the shrieking stopped. Teresa was vacuuming along one moment, 
  then there was a final, rather short squeak, and then nothing. The 
  bearings had seized solid. I laid the vac to rest at the curb last night. 
  It gave it's all.

  Blue skies.
  Dan Rossi
  Carnegie Mellon University.
  Tel: (412) 268-9081


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