Dan, with all due respect, when I read of your trials; I hate your house.

On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, Dan Rossi wrote:

> Yesterday morning, the truck carrying my lumber order showed up at the
> bottom of the stairs.  I struck an agreement with the two guys, that they
> would back the truck right up to the steps, pull their ramp to the first
> landing, which skips the first 10 steps, then hand carry to the long
> landing, which is another 10 or so steps.  For that, I'd give them an
> extra 10 bucks each.  Then I would have to carry the lumber from the end
> of the long landing, up another 25 steps, down the courtyard, around the
> house, and into the basement.
> This not being my first time at this, I broke out my tools, a 20 foot long
> length of flat tubular webbing.  With this, and a fist full of Ibuprofen,
> I can move just about anything.
> I don't think I can accurately describe this.  I tie the webbing into a
> large loop.  I then stack up some lumber on top of a couple of bricks.  I
> slide one end of the boards through the loop of webbing.  I then crouch
> down next to the lumber, with the stack of boards to my right.  I pull the
> doubled webbing up my back and over my left shoulder, then down in front
> of me.  I take the doubled webbing and wrap it around the stack of boards
> twice, leaving enough of the end for me to hold.
> When I stand up, all the weight of the lumber is on my shoulder, not my
> hands or arms.  Even the free end of the webbing has very little tension
> on it because the friction of it against the wood holds it in place.
> It makes it quite easy to haul the lumber for any distance.
> Because I had a mix of treated and untreated lumber, it reminded me of
> just how damn heavy the treated boards are.
> Lastly, my handy dandy, brand new, panel carrier did not come in handy.  I
> tried hauling one of the OSB sheets with it, but it was just to damn
> heavy.  So I tried looping the webbing around my shoulder and then hooking
> the handle of the carrier through the loop.  No joy.  Still too heavy to
> maneuver it up the stairs.  So I ended up ratchet strapping the boards to
> a dolly.  it took a long time, but I eventually got everything up there.
> I'm hurtin today.
>  --
> Blue skies.
> Dan Rossi
> Carnegie Mellon University.
> E-Mail:       d...@andrew.cmu.edu
> Tel:  (412) 268-9081

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