My main questions, before you have to read all this are, 1 what's the fuzzy 
coiled rope looking thing inside the outside unit.
2 Do I have to remove screws from around outside of the top of the unit and 
lift the whole fan out in order to gain access to all sides and the inside of 
the unit to get at all possible debris?

I'm still pondering the AC stuff, I took my drill out yesterday and opened the 
only side panel I could find.
I had cut off all breakers to inside and outside unit before hand.
So I explored around in there.
Not much to do from there that I could tell.
I see a coiled like rope, or hose looking thing, it's fuzzy textured.  I blew 
it off a little with the air hose from the air compressor, and vacuumed at it a 
bit with a shop vac.  Just playing, lightly as not to hurt anything and mainly 
exploring at this point.  Unit's working fine for now, I did not want to do the 
water hose thing yet, as I just wasn't in the mood to get sopping wet and be in 
a big puddle.
I blew out and sucked out all the vents around the unit.  I did very little 
good, and no harm as yet.
I did use my shop-vac to suck a lot of grass and junk out of the bottom of that 
little panel.
I noticed many of the same sorts of screws around a lip around the top of my 
unit, These are on the outside, facing my stomach you understand, not on top 
facing the sky.
>From what I have read on line, are you supposed to remove those and lift the 
>fan totally out to get to the inside of the unit to clean in there?
I have not tried this yet.
Someone told me not to remove screws from the top of the unit if I found them 
there as that was what held the fan and if you remove those the fan drops.
I'll put my questions right up top.

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