I asked our tech who is a landlord and very practical.

He says if you have a place where water has stayed a lot and there is no
heat or air movement mold can become a real mess, but you can see, smell, 
and even feel it on walls etc.

Any sighted person should be able to see if there is green or black stuff
where it shouldn't be. 

Just a bit around windows that aren't opened too often is probably no big deal.

My guess is that if you're place was clean after the water damage cleanup
and you have any reasonable amount of warmth and air movement, you're
probably fine

again, last thing to do is go to a mold removal and testing
company cause they will find it whether it's there or not.

Also don't go to doctors who specialize in mold or allergy testing
unless they are board certified allergologists 

Tom Fowle

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