I agree that it makes sense to wait with the shorthand until we support
both of the longhand properties. Some developers may be surprised
when text-spacing doesn't work but text-spacing-trim does, but it can be
feature detected so I don't think it's worth delaying all 3 properties to
ship together.

On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 10:13 AM Domenic Denicola <dome...@chromium.org>

> On Thursday, February 1, 2024 at 8:42:36 PM UTC+9 Koji Ishii wrote:
>> Hi Philip, thanks for the questions. Please see replies inline:
>> Thanks for linking the tests, judging just by the test names it looks
>>> like many combinations of languages and fonts are tested.
>> Yes, many combinations are to ensure they test different branches in our
>> code.
>> Some of the tests are failing though, is that expected?
>> Yes, this current implementation supports subset (see below), and failing
>> tests are for values that are not supported yet.
>> Also, I see that some of the tests don't actually use text-spacing-trim,
>>> are those just testing default behaviors or what's the reason?
>> Yes, the initial value `normal
>> <https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-4/#valdef-text-spacing-trim-normal>`
>> applies the pair-kerning (adjacent) and line-end (the table below the value
>> list might be easier to know which value affects where). Tests without
>> `text-spacing-trim` are testing these behaviors.
>> The design doc says "This version implements a subset of the values
>>> defined in the spec", is that still accurate, or is there support for all
>>> of space-all | normal | trim-auto | trim-start | space-first | trim-all?
>> It's still accurate. The current implementation supports 4 values: normal
>> | trim-start | space-all | space-first. I added this to the chromestatus
>> entry <https://chromestatus.com/feature/5170044014690304> (I thought I
>> did this but it looks like it's gone somehow).
>> Finally, since text-spacing-trim and text-autospace are longhands
>>> for text-spacing, what is the plan for text-spacing? Will we introduce the
>>> shorthand later together with text-autospace? That should mean that
>>> something like `text-spacing: trim-all` won't work initially, even though
>>> it doesn't involve text-autospace. But on the other hand shipping the
>>> shorthand without text-autospace would break `text-spacing: punctuation`
>>> and similar. I don't have a suggestion here, but can you clarify what the
>>> overall plan is?
>> The current plan is to ship the shorthand when both properties ship.
>> Shipping the shorthand only for `text-spacing-trim` is technically
>> possible, but it complicates the code and tests. I think it's prudent to
>> defer until both properties ship.
>> Originally we thought the `text-autospace` could ship before
>> `text-spacing-trim` or together, but a blocking spec issue was found
>> recently. Given its complexity, it's likely to take a few quarters.
>> As a data point, I see that the flag in STP is called "CSS text-spacing
>>> property", which suggests all 3 properties behind a single flag. It might
>>> not ship together, but it's a good guess.
>> Right, the current code in WebKit under the flag isn't ready to ship yet,
>> but this is one of their 2024 plans discussed at the WebKit contributor
>> meeting. I'm talking to WebKit engineers about our status, they're
>> interested in seeing web developer feedback to Chromium. This is one of the
>> reasons I think we should ship `text-spacing-trim` first, without waiting
>> for `text-autospace` to be ready.

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