On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 10:03:16 PM UTC+2 Paul Jensen wrote:

Contact emails



Protected Audience reporting timeouts: https://github.com/WICG/

Protected Audience multiple-bids: https://github.com/WICG/


Protected Audience reporting timeouts: https://github.com/WICG/

Protected Audience multiple-bids: https://github.com/WICG/


Protected Audience (PA) reporting timeouts:

After a PA auction finishes selecting an ad and that ad is allowed to start 
rendering, the browser then runs a JavaScript function from the seller(s) 
and winning buyer to assemble reports that are sent back to their servers. 
These functions are currently given 50ms to run, after which they're 
aborted. We've heard feedback from users of the API that 50ms may not be 
sufficient to assemble the reports and may result in broken billing and 
other basic functionality, resulting in lower website revenue.  We’re 
proposing making the timeout configurable up to 5s. (This JavaScript 
generally runs in a separate process, i.e. off the main thread.)

I'm concerned about this timeout, tbh.
It feels very arbitrary and if set by the wrong party, it can create some 
adversarial effects.
Can you expand on why do we need a configurable timeout here, rather than 
just increasing it for everyone?
If a configurable timeout is indeed needed, am I correct that the timeout 
would be set by the publisher, and its consequences would be felt by the 

Also, can you expand on "This JavaScript generally runs in a separate 
process"? Where is it run?

Protected Audience multiple-bids:

Presently buyers participating in PA ad selection auctions are only allowed 
to return one bid per interest group stored on a user's device. This has a 
couple downsides:

   When that one bid does not pass the k-anonymity threshold, the bid 
   generation logic must be invoked again which can be slow, potentially 
   doubling auction runtime.
   This preferences adtechs that store more interest groups on device as a 
   way to get more bids into the auction. Many interest groups on device is 
   something we publicly have stated is undesirable: 
To fix this we're allowing bidding scripts to return multiple bids.

Blink component


TAG review

For Protected Audience: https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/723

TAG review status

Completed for Protected Audience, resolved unsatisfied.

RisksInteroperability and Compatibility

Both features represent optional new behavior that shouldn’t break existing 

Gecko & WebKit: No signal on parent proposal, Protected Audience.  Asked in 
the Mozilla forum here 
<https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/770>, and in the 
Webkit forum here <https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/158>

Edge: Edge has announced plans to support the Ad Selection API 
<https://github.com/WICG/privacy-preserving-ads/blob/main/README.md> which 
shares much of its API surface with Protected Audience.

I'd love for the Edge team to review this, if at all possible.
I know it's exceeding the bounds of our process, but given the lack of 
interest in reviewing this from the TAG, Mozilla and Apple, and the ongoing 
complexity of this feature, it's be great to try and get some deep 
technical review from a different browser team.

Web developers:

Protected Audience reporting timeouts: Multiple companies requesting on Github 
issue <https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/issues/959> and WICG meeting 
though notes 
are missing several comments from others.

Protected Audience multiple-bids: 3+ companies requesting on Github issue 
<https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/issues/595>, discussed in 6 different WICG 


PA reporting and bidding scripts are debuggable in DevTools.  Generated 
bids also show up in the Application -> Storage -> Interest Groups DevTools 

Will this feature be supported on all six Blink platforms (Windows, Mac, 
Linux, ChromeOS, Android, and Android WebView)?

It will be supported on all platforms that support Protected Audience, so 
all but WebView.

Is this feature fully tested by web-platform-tests 

We plan to land web-platform-tests for both features shortly.

Flag name on chrome://flags


Finch feature name

FledgeReportingTimeout, FledgeMultiBid

Requires code in //chrome?


Estimated milestones

Shipping on desktop and Android in M124.

Anticipated spec changes


Link to entry on the Chrome Platform Status


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