Hi all,

I'm replicating my Apple iOS contacts with Google/GMail Contacts, so I'm also able to replicate them with my Fritz!Box (used by DECT phones and Fritz!Fon app) and directly with Blink QT for Windows while I'm sitting in front of my Desktop PC.

After some upgrade done by either Apple or Google a while ago, the following behavior has developed:
Whenever a new contact is added on an iOS device and then replicated to Google Contacts, all phone number fields on the Gmail webpage will automatically include space characters separating the prefixes and creating 2/3-digit groups.
Of course, no such space characters were typed while entering the phone numbers on the iOS device.

Now Blink QT doesn't seem to really like those space characters imported from Google, because
- in the contact list, no phone number will appear under the replicated new contact name
- if double-clicking the contact, the phone numbers will display, but Blink will simply refuse to dial that number :-)

The current workaround is to access Gmail Contacts via a browser and to manually delete those space characters in the new contact entries replicated from iOS. Then after relaunching Blink, everything works as expected again, but needless to say that this workaround is a bit tedious...

=> Is anyone able to confirm the behavior I just described?
=> If confirmed, would it be possible to modify Blink QT with one of the next updates so it would "ignore" those space characters while importing the phone numbers from Gmail?

TIA, Eric
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