
my Ubuntu system has just received the updated deb package for blink (namely 3.0.3 dated feb 28).

I have just tried the google contacts functions for the first time. I'm getting the following:

Could not fetch Google contacts: <HttpError 429 when requesting https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me/connections?alt=json&pageSize=500&requestMask.includeField=person.email_addresses%2Cperson.im_clients%2Cperson.metadata%2Cperson.names%2Cperson.organizations%2Cperson.phone_numbers%2Cperson.photos%2Cperson.urls returned "Insufficient tokens for quota group and limit 'ReadGroupCLIENT_PROJECT-1d' of service 'people.googleapis.com' ...

The changelog mentions Fixed another People API breakage by Google (they restored old behaviour). Is my message due to another api change?

Furthermore, would it be possible to add a GUI for resetting the google 

Best regards and thanks for blink

Sergio Callegari

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