
I am using: Blink 3.0.3 on Debian 9 Stretch. 

I used sflphone previously and Blink it's much better because audio is heard ok 
and without problems. 

So thank you! 

1) My current problem or request for enhacement is being able to select 
pulseaudio device in audio settings. 

I go to: Blink. Preferences. Audio and for each one of the: 

* Input Device 
* Output Device 
* Alert Device 

I've got these dropdown options: 

* System Default 
* Playback/recording through the PulseAudio sound server 
* USB PnP Sound Device, USB Audio 
* USB PnP Sound Device, Digital (S/PDIF) 
* HDA Intel PCH, ALC662 rev3 Analog 
* None 

2) I would like to either be able to choose between an Alsa device or a 
Pulseaudio device: 

* System Default 
* CM108 (pulse) 
* Audio Interno (pulse) 
* USB PnP Sound Device, USB Audio (alsa) 
* USB PnP Sound Device, Digital (S/PDIF) (alsa) 
* HDA Intel PCH, ALC662 rev3 Analog (alsa) 
* None 

Or... just being able to switch between Alsa and Pulseaudio systems where when 
Pulseaudio is choosen to show my Pulseaudio devices which they are: 

* CM108 
* Audio Interno 

3) Not being able to select an specific device with pulse is a problem to me 
because I want my Alert device to be different than the Input Device. 
Currently I am using the HDA Intel Device as the Alert Device. This is not 
working always because sometimes the pulseaudio control takes control of it and 
blink as being an alsa client... it's not able to interact with it 
simultaneously (as it would happen without any problem with the pulseaudio 

4) I think I'm going to explore the workaround of blacklisting the "HDA Intel 
PCH" device on pulseaudio configuration so that it's never used but a proper 
fix from blink is welcome. 

5) I'm quite an expert GNU/Linux user and I'm willing to build development 
versions of Blink and test them (although nightly builds would be easier to 
test of course). 

Thank you for any related feedback you can give me. 

Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 
+34 973 270 382 

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