
I'm running Blink for Linux 3.1.0 on Arch Linux x86_64 with PulseAudio 12.2.

The subject describes the problem.  The first call works fine.  Once the
first call terminates, Blink can no longer place or receive a second
call...usually.  On my last last test, I got a second call dialed but not a
third call.  Looking at pjsip_trace.txt (attached), there are no entries
for my third call so something must have hung at the end of the second call.

By 'hang', I mean the SIP stack stops responding.  The UI is functional
until I try to place another call, at which point it freezes.

I can only reproduce this when I have PulseAudio Sound Server selected as
the input device.

It acts like Blink doesn't release something properly with PulseAudio when
the call finishes.  I'm watching the applications using PulseAudio in
pavucontrol.  When I have PulseAudio as only the output device, I see it
appear in the pavucontrol application list only when it's playing audio.
When a call is complete (and the hangup sound plays), Blink disappears from
the list.  When I have the input device as PulseAudio, however, Blink
persists in the application list as both a sink and a source after the call
is disconnected.  It's in this state I can't place or receive another
call.  Or, dare I say, do anything that requires sound since it seems to
completely lock up when it tries to re-access PulseAudio.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Before someone tells me to go straight to ALSA and bypass Pulse, know that
for my needs with Blink I need Pulse in the middle.  That may not always be
the case but for today it is.


Attachment: pjsip_trace.txt.gz
Description: application/gzip

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