On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 6:29 AM, Karen Lewellen
<klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> I am a firm believer in synchronicity.
> What makes your post hug worthy is that I was just wondering about
> archives.org.  Reasoning being that sometimes a writer decides, either by
> accident or intention to delete all their fanfiction.net  work.  I recently
> found an hp  story by such a writer, wondered about their other creations,
> and thought....hmmmm wonder if archives.org has anything?
> That was last night,  I check mail this morning to find your post.

If you happen to use the Chromium or Google Chrome browsers, there's
an extension you might try that lets you search your choice of six or
seven different web archives. I use it every day.

Best regards,


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