Wait, I thought Fedora was to Redhat as Ubuntu is to Debian, or has
Fedora become more of it's own thing over time?

Though honestly, I see Debian has having less of a slow release cycle
and more of Debian Testing being a rolling release on par with any of
the quick cycle distros, and Debian Stable being closer to the LTS
releases of other distros. That said, having Adriane ported upstream
from Knoppix to Debian and an Adriane version of Debian CD 1 is still
my dream when it comes to accessible Linux. Persumably, it shouldn't
take that much work since Adriane is mostly bash scripts and Knoppix
sources most of it's binaries from Debian's repositories, but there
are a few programs Adriane uses(The SBL screen reader probably the
most important) that would need to be compiled for architectures other
thand i386 to run on all flavors of Debian.


Jeffery Wright
President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa.
Former Secretary, Student Government Association, College of the Albemarle.

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