Put the speed-test /into the router/, with a big red button to turn fq_codel on and off.

 * The performance reporting graphs can then run on a browser page for
   as long as you like, while you do other things, and go back to the
   page and see what it's been like.
 * Have a line for "perfect" performance, and anyone can see how close
   you're system is coming to it.
 * Have a button for a synthetic load test, of some shortish duration, and,
 * Put it on normal Linux hosts too, so you can test end-to-end.

This has the advantage that it's code-first, so you don't have to convince the uninterested, and from it you can write a small and limited RFC to tell everyone else how you did it.

As each new improvement comes along, actual performance slowly gets closer and closer to the optimal performance line...


On 28/11/16 10:21 AM, Jonathan Foulkes wrote:
Thanks for the Introduction Rich, and thanks again to you and many others on 
this list for all your contributions over the years helping to combat bloat.

This product was born of my own frustration with finding a way to help 
neighbors and family get a simple off-the-shelf solution that even 
non-technical users can deploy.

I look forward to participating more actively on this list.


On Nov 26, 2016, at 9:08 AM, Rich Brown <richb.hano...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been exchanging a few emails with Jonathan Foulkes from evenroute.com. He tells me 
that his company is installing OpenWrt on a commercial, off the shelf (COTS) TP-Link 
router and selling them on commercially. His "secret sauce" is an auto-update 
facility and improved setup software, which includes a rate-detection step that operates 
continually to adjust the fq_codel parameters to the actual line rate. You can take a 
look at IQrouter.com, or look them up on Amazon.

This might be a solution to our current conundrum about not having an easy 
solution that solves our family's networking problem. I'm going to get one of 
these and try it out.

He has been following our bufferbloat and make-fifi-fast work closely, as well 
as the work on LEDE, which he'll consider once it hits a stable point. I have 
invited him to join this list.

Welcome, Jonathan.

Bloat mailing list

David Collier-Brown,         | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
dav...@spamcop.net           |                      -- Mark Twain

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