On Mon, 4 Dec 2017, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:

I'm not going to pretend that 1Gig isn't enough for most people. But I
refuse to believe it's the networks equivalent of a 10A power (20A
depending on where you live in the world) AC residential phase
distribution circuit.

That's a good analogy. I actually believe it is, at least for the near 5-10 years.

This isn't a question about what people need, it's more about what the
market can deliver. 10GPON (GPON-X) and others now make it a viable
service that can and is being deployed in residential and commercial
access networks.

Well, you're sharing that bw with everybody else on that splitter. Sounds to me that the service being delivered over that would instead be in the 2-3 gigabit/s range for the individual subscriber (this is what I typically see on equivalent shared mediums, that the top speed individual subscriptions are will be in the 20-40% of max theoretical speed the entire solution can deliver).

The problem is now that Retail Servicer Provider X can deliver a post Gigabit service... what is capable of taking it off the ONU/CMNT point in the home? As usual it's a follow the money question, once RSP's can deliver Gbit+ they will need an ecosystem in the home to feed into it, and right now there isn't a good technology platform that supports it; 10GBase-X/10GBaseT is a non-starter due to the variability in home wiring - arguably the 7 year leap from 100-1000mbit was easy It's mean a gap of 12 years and counting for the same.. it's not just the NIC's and CPU's in the gateways it's the connector and in-home wiring problems as well.

As soon as one goes above 1GE, prices increases A LOT on everything involved. I doubt we'll see any 2.5G or higher speed equipment in wide use in home/SME in the next 5 years.

Blatant Plug - request :
I'm interested to hear opinions on this as I have a talk on this very
topic 'The long and Winding Road to 10Gbit+ in the home'
https://linux.conf.au/ at Linuxconf in January. In particular if you
have any home network gore/horror stories and photos you would be
happy for me to include in my talk, please include.

I am still waiting for a decently priced 10GE switch. I can get 1GE 24port managed ones, fanless, for 100-200USD. As soon as I go 10GE, price jumps up a lot, and I get fans. The NICs aren't widely available, even though they're not the biggest problem. My in-house cabling can do 10GE, but I guess I'm an outlier.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
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