
now I wasted my evening by going through this once again, and I remember why I 
forgot its content from last time around...

I am with Dave, it is a bit wordy for effectively saying let's call 2A = NBQ, 
and it comes with loads of tangential text that really seems to belong to an 
actually substantial L4S RFC.

I wrote way to much and I am way to remote of all of this but I will try to 
just extract the most relevant part of my draft (the wifi recommendation map 
NBQ to AC_VO is horrendously wrong IMHO).

> On Aug 24, 2019, at 18:27, Rodney W. Grimes <4b...@gndrsh.dnsmgr.net> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> fun fact, the draft is titled "Identifying and Handling Non Queue Building 
>> Flows in a Bottleneck Link".
>> To which the _only_ and obvious answer is one does this by by observing 
>> flow-behavior on the element that egresses into the bottleneck link.
>> Case closed, Nothing to see folks, you can go home...  ;)
> As Dave points out, and probably his strongest point,
> this is yet another attempt to have sources classify thier
> traffic for HIGHER priority or LOWER latency and ignore or
> hand wave away the security (DOS) implications that causes.

        It has other issues as well, like misunderstanding with equal sharing 
under load is a rational strategy and believing that the queue protection 
method as pseudo-coded on the docsis standard document are anything but a poor 
man's fq system (and rather rich to point at fq_codel's hash collision issue 
over (default) 1024 flows, while queue protect seems to only use 32 queues, 
plus a catch all flow for all the rest, tell me with a straight face that the 
fate sharing going on in that bucket is going to be less severe than the hash 
collisions in a 1024 flow system)

> You can do that type of thing in a controlled situation,
> even as large as a whole AS, but this can never succeed
> at the scale of "Internet."

        I believe all of this is not really aimed for the internet anyway. What 
I see are building blocks for a low latency highway from the (DOCSIS)-ISP to 
directly connected data centers, and I am not sure I want that.

>> (I have started to read this thing ages ago and blissfully forgot all about 
>> it, time to read it agian?)
> Yes, please, everyone read it again and comment on it,
> it is very far along in the process now.

        From my perspective the 2A=NBQ part is fine it is all the rest that 
seems superfluous.

>> Best Regards
>>      Sebastian
> Regards, [Some more comments inline below]
> Rod
>>> On Aug 24, 2019, at 16:57, Dave Taht <d...@taht.net> wrote:
>>> I decided that perhaps it would be best if we tried harder
>>> to live within the ietf's processes for calm, reasoned discussion
>>> But in trying to review this internet draft...
>>> https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-white-tsvwg-nqb-02.html
>>> I couldn't help myself, and my review is here:
>>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tsvwg/hZGjm899t87YZl9JJUOWQq4KBsk
>>> If someone could make something constructive out of that, great. It
>>> would be good to have a really clear definition of what we mean by
>>> sparse, and good definition and defense on our website of the properties
>>> and benefits of fair queueing. 
> I concur that a good, concise and complete definition of "sparse flow" would 
> be useful.
> I would also like to see a good glossary of all the terms tossed around so 
> often,
> FQ, CoDel (vs FQ_CoDel vs non FQ Codel which is often ambigous in scope as to 
> which
> of the three are actually being referenced)
> And from another thread calling things "Classic" needs to die,
> it is about as good as calling things "New", it is not Classic ECN,
> it is RFC3168 ECN, it is not Classic TCP, it is RFC793 TCP, etc al.
>>> And I'm going to go off today and try to do something nice for a small
>>> animal, a widow, or an orphan. Maybe plant some flowers.
>>> Some days it doesn't pay to read your accrued inbox messages. Today
>>> was one of them. You needen't read mine either!
> Regards Again,
> -- 
> Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org

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