> On 23 Oct, 2019, at 10:28 am, <erik.tarald...@telenor.com> 
> <erik.tarald...@telenor.com> wrote:
> If you could influence the 4G vendors to de-bloat their equipment, would you 
> recommend BQL, L4S or codel/cake?

BQL is a good start, but needs to go with something else to actually fix the 
problem.  All it does is move (most of) the queue out of hardware and into 
software.  The software side then needs to capitalise on having control of the 
bottleneck queue, by implementing FQ, AQM, or both.

L4S is a complete waste of time.  It requires basically replacing the entire 
Internet, including endpoints, to work properly.  If the endpoints are not 
replaced, then the middleboxes behave like a conventional AQM (see below).

Codel would be a HUGE help.  It's a well-tested example of an AQM that's 
specifically designed to work with TCP, and should work equally well with other 
protocols designed to be TCP friendly.  There are other AQMs, such as PIE, 
BLUE, and even the old standby WRED, that would also be major improvements over 
the status quo, though they don't perform as well on common TCP traffic as 
Codel.  The basic requirement here is to bring the maximum *standing* queue 
down from hundreds or thousands of milliseconds to tens or singles; Codel 
achieves 5ms with its default Internet-tuned settings.

I use a slight variant of Codel in Cake, which I call COBALT.  The main 
algorithm is just a refactoring of Codel, but I've also addressed two blind 
spots in Codel's design.  One is the behaviour upon reactivating very shortly 
after the standing queue was initially brought under control; COBALT keeps 
better track of previous state in that case.  The other is addressing heavy 
load from non-TCP-friendly traffic, which requires a probabilistic drop 
function rather than a scheduled drop or mark.  To take care of the latter, 
I've overlaid a version of the BLUE algorithm.

I believe Codel and COBALT should be reasonably straightforward to implement in 
hardware.  I could help to explain the algorithmic details and rationale to 
hardware engineers if need be, and help them determine the right design 

FQ's main benefit is allowing "sparse" flows of traffic, which tend to be more 
sensitive to latency, to bypass queues of "bulk" traffic which tends to be more 
throughput sensitive.  This amounts to reducing "inter-flow induced latency", 
where AQM focuses on reducing "intra-flow induced latency".  The main 
difficulty is allegedly in identifying flows and maintaining the per-flow state 
and individual queues; these should not be insurmountable obstacles, but I will 
admit the complexity of implementing this in hardware is higher than for a 
plain AQM.

I would note, however, that 4G already incurs some of this complexity through 
the need to individually queue, aggregate, schedule, and transmit a stream of 
traffic to each mobile station.  It should be relatively easy to add an AQM 
instance per station, thereby ensuring that congestion signals incurred by one 
subscriber saturating their own capacity don't spill over into other 
subscribers' traffic.

Combining AQM with FQ is the gold standard, minimising both inter-flow and 
intra-flow induced latency.  That's what fq_codel and Cake do.  If that was 
deployed in the right places in a 4G network, you could consider the problem 
solved.  For an estimate of implementation complexity, take an FQ 
implementation and add an AQM for each flow's queue.

As a middle ground I could suggest one of my latest projects, CNQ (Cheap Nasty 
Queuing).  This aims to provide some of the benefits of FQ+AQM, but with only 
slightly higher implementation complexity than a plain AQM, at the cost of 
inferior flow-isolating performance than true FQ.  It should therefore be more 
suitable for high-volume nodes than an FQ-based algorithm.  A software 
implementation for demo purposes is presently in the works, and we should have 
some initial performance data fairly soon.  I would seriously consider 
deploying CNQ on a per-station basis in 4G.

 - Jonathan Morton

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