> On Dec 3, 2021, at 11:10, Kenneth Porter <sh...@sewingwitch.com> wrote:
> --On Thursday, December 02, 2021 10:48 AM -0800 Dave Taht 
> <dave.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> tp-link, is, so far as I know, the last major home router vendor NOT
>> shipping a SQM system. Perhaps this could be modded up with someones
>> with accounts?
>> https://community.tp-link.com/us/home/forum/topic/511156
> I just signed up an account and will add my vote.
> I just bought an Archer 20 to replace my old 2016 Zyxel running OpenWrt. I'd 
> found it by looking at various reviews of "best OpenWrt router for 2021". I 
> just updated my Zyxel firmware from v18 to v20 firmware. I get about 280 Mbps 
> from Xfinity. I turned on cake and it dropped by 50%! So I think the old 
> router's CPU isn't up to it. I'll be swapping in the TP-Link soon so I can 
> turn on cake without the big performance hit.

        Getting low latency traffic shaping to work in a robust and reliable 
way above say ~100Mbps is still a challenge even for relatively recent router 
SoCs. Modern multicore SoCs upped the ante in the things-to-look-out for area 
by adding CPU power-saving (especially frequency scaling) and load distribution 
over CPUs to the mix... Now even something like a raspberry pi 4B with an 
additional well-selected USB3 gigabit ethernet dongle (costing less than 100 
EUR all in all) will allow cake up to 1/1 Gbps but still requires careful 
configuration to do so. No idea whether an archer 20 will do (not even sure 
what model that is, here in Germany I see either an C20 or an AX20 but no plain 
unadorned 20). If you should try OpenWrt on that thing, the OpenWrt forum is a 
good place to ask for configuration advice for specific models (will obviously 
not help if you stick to the manufacturer's firmware).


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