On Tuesday 20 March 2007, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
> On 17/03/07, Noel O'Boyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (2) Click on the little blog button, and all DOIs or article names
> > that have been 'chemical blogspaced'  get text like "[2 blog
> > comments]", which is hyperlinked to chemical blogspace. (Relies on a
> > chemical blogspace API...does this exist?) This would be especially
> > useful when used on the ACS TOC pages on the web.
> In fact, I found that this has already been done for postgenomic.com,
> and with a few tweaks it now works for ACS TOC pages at least and
> chemical blogspace...see
> http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~noel/PDB/findPDB.html for the Greasemonkey
> script and installation instructions. It's pretty cool, actually :-)
> but praise should go to the original author Pedro Beltrao.

Nice indeed. Thanx for hacking that up, I never came around to that.
Similar things have been done for PubMed:


Will blog about this in 'Chemical blogspace' shortly...


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