Le samedi 14 avril 2007 à 22:59 -0400, Martin A. Walker a écrit :

GChemPaint (>=0.7.90) already has the features you need and it's free:
svg and png export (at any resolution) , InChI generation (through

Best regards,
Jean Bréfort

> Dear all,
> This is my first post to the mailing list, I hope this goes through OK!  I
> don't blog, or I'd report the info that way.
> There have been a lot of things going on at Wikipedia that will interest
> this group.
> 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia talk:WikiProject
> Chemistry/Structure drawing workgroup#ACD ChemSketch - the company is
> willing to make a Wikipedia Template on their Freeware
> (Sorry about the long URL!)
> We are working with Antony Williams, Product Manager for ChemSketch, to
> add Wikipedia settings into ChemSketch.  Simple drawing settings alone
> would be trivial - we've already agreed to use ACS drawing settings - but
> they are talking about adding in the image processing to make a PNG file
> automatically (we asked for SVG, but we'd still be thrilled with PNG). 
> Williams is posting on the above talk page, and will provide a test
> version soon, I think.  I think this feature will make it easier for
> people to post structures to their web pages, never mind Wikipedia.
> I did my duty and requested that the software also generate an InChI. 
> Williams was open/supportive, but said it would take longer.  I would like
> to draw a molecule in ChemSketch, then have the magic "Wikipedia button"
> generate a PNG or SVG file for me with the InChI attached as metadata, all
> ready for uploading to the Wikimedia Commons.  If we can do this in
> ChemSketch, I'm sure we can pressurise ChemDraw to follow suit.  I have a
> feeling that the "Wikipedia button" (if properly designed) could in effect
> become the standard "Upload my structure to my website button", in which
> case we would really like to get the metadata included.  Does anyone here
> have any comments or advice on how best to do this?  Adding metadata to
> image files in Wikimedia software is difficult, hence my post at the
> Commons Village Pump:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Village_pump#Metadata_in_image_files
> Please help!
> 2. Someone from IUPAC Gold Book has approached us, "offering a
> collaboration between IUPAC and Wikipedia and offering to make their data
> available to us."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Chemistry#IUPAC
> Gold Book
> Again, much discussion and many thoughtful responses.  This really looks
> like a good chance to add value to Wikipedia articles.  Suggestions,
> ideas?
> As well as the above, we've also had heated debates about SVG vs PNG,
> citation policies, an Endnote citation-generator for WP, harmonisation of
> chemical structure drawing standards with the German Wikipedia, and much
> more, all since I got back from Chicago.  Jmol adoption even got a short
> discussion, Bob.  Phew!
> I'd really appreciate some expert advice on how best to proceed.  Many
> thanks,
> Martin
> PS: The department is fully supporting my tenure request, it now goes to
> the dean...
> Martin A. Walker
> Department of Chemistry
> SUNY College at Potsdam
> Potsdam, NY 13676 USA
> +1 (315) 267-2271
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