At 12:32 30/05/2007, Noel O'Boyle wrote:

The other point you raised was regarding the wiki. This will soon be
moving to SF, and I think that we will be implementing better spam
filtering (thanks go to Martin Walker for continually reverting all
that spam). I don't think we should allow anonymous edits on a wiki
that acts as a website for the blue obelisk; others may disagree. I
recently rearranged information on the wiki, and I'd appreciate any
more specific feedback you could give me regarding the layout.

I tend to agree about anonymity - agreed this works in many cases for WP - but WP has many more people who help to create models of democracy and are vigilant against spam. We currently have fewer resources. SPAM has destroyed many wikis - including the CML one - and the only answers are constant reverting or some barrier to publishing - or maybe both (since spam seems to occur even on "protected" wikis

I know it isn't the same metric but my blog has received 50,000 spams. Without the AKISMET filter I would have to have closed it down. I don't think the same exists for wikis.

So I am fairly hardline on this. If someone changes the atomic weight of something on the wiki it is valuable to know who they are.
Peter Murray-Rust
Unilever Centre for Molecular Sciences Informatics
University of Cambridge,
Lensfield Road,  Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK

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