At 15:38 30/05/2007, Andreas Bender, PhD wrote:
Dear Rajarshi and Dear All,

Thanks for the offer. Some comments:
(1) what license or copyright apply to any of these sets. It can be difficult to re-use or redictribute data that are encumbered by license or other restrictions. And the absence of any license can be just as difficult! (which manually curated about 40 additional datasets from literature - this website also has a list of links to related database directories.)
(2) some of these data sets have fairly minimal markup in the actual files (e.g. <ACTIVITY>) To know what this is one has to read the paper. The paper itself is often closed, so essentially the metadata is not Open.


Peter Murray-Rust
Unilever Centre for Molecular Sciences Informatics
University of Cambridge,
Lensfield Road,  Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK

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