The free MS Sashimi tools at sourceforge which convert multiple vendor formats
into mzXML do  *not* always work as promised (however are the best I have seen)

Sashimi is one of the most active science projects on SF. If you have
found any bugs, please submit them to the developers. As it says on
their web page:

"There are many ways you can help us and you don't need to be a mass
spectrometrist or a programmer in order to do it. The easiest way to
help us is to provide us with feedback on our tools! Let us know if
something doesn't work, if a change to a particular tool would make it
more useful, if there's a useful tool or feature that's missing, etc."

I know from working on Open Babel that for every 1000 users that has a
problem with a PDB file, only one will tell us. :-/

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