Egon circulated the following

One interesting idea is to adopt the
term, to specify molecules of interest to us.



is one that is occupying my thoughts at the moment!   I have added a few such to  (I am using  Egon's XSLT to transform 
to  HTML; not all elements are
yet transformed in the stylesheet)

The idea would be to bring together people interested in the  <<same>> molecule 
(or in future in  <<similar molecules>>)
via  SPARQL queries.  Only  <<published>> molecules normally qualify, although 
if one wishes to expose
molecules as Jean-Claude does, for communal synthesis, that would be an even 
more exciting
thing to do.

Thus in my case, one would ultimately like to discover the (semantic) 
relationship between
DOIs  10.1021/ol703129z and 10.1039/b715553k automatically! 
(the above was done entirely accidentally, fortuitously, but very much by 

So can  I encourage the other seven members of this list who have put their 
FOAF up to
add the odd molecule or two, or any other interest come to that.   I don't 
suppose that
with such a small membership, we will discover anything, but one never knows!

Henry Rzepa.
+44 (020) 7594 5774 (Voice); +44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax); [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(iChat) Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College London, SW7  
2AZ, UK.

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