I echo Egon's sadness.

Jean-Claude was years ahead of his time. He did what he considered right,
not what was expedient or what the world expected.

He and I discussed Open Data and Open Notebook Science. We found that they
were different things and that each was a critically important subject. J-C
set up a webpage on Wikipedia to describe ONS and its practice.

ONS is truly innovative. The research must be available to everyone -
regardless of who they are are or what they had studied. And it must be
fair - "no insider knowledge".

Several groups in chemistry are following J-C's lead - and we honour him in

I have been invited to present a keynote on "Open Data" at Hinxton Genome
Campus tomorrow and shall make J-C's work the focus and inspiration.

I am truly glad we awarded him a Blue Obelisk. As a community we should
think how to take the message further.


On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Egon Willighagen <
egon.willigha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Blue Obelisk community,
> with great sadness it is that I heard yesterday that Jean-Claude
> Bradley passed away yesterday. Please read below more information from
> Drexel University below. Jean-Claude received the Blue Obelisk award
> in 2007.
> I have know Jean-Claude for some years and did some work together with
> him on Open Data in chemistry. I was looking forward to working with
> him, as member of the SAB of eNanoMapper, on the publisher perspective
> of nanosafety research, in his role of Editor-in-Chief of Chemical
> Central Journal, with the innovative BioMed Central/Chemistry Central
> publisher.
> Egon
> “Dear Members of the Drexel University Community,
> It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the passing of
> Jean-Claude Bradley, PhD, associate professor in the Department of
> Chemistry.
> Jean-Claude joined Drexel as an assistant professor in 1996 after
> receiving his PhD in organic chemistry and serving as a postdoctoral
> researcher at Duke University and College de France in Paris. In 2004,
> he was appointed E-Learning Coordinator for Drexel's College of Arts
> and Sciences, helping to spearhead the adoption of novel teaching
> modalities. In that role, he led the University's initiative to buy an
> "island" in the virtual world of Second Life, where students and
> faculty could explore new methods of teaching and learning.
> Jean-Claude was most well known for his "Open Notebook Science"(ONS),
> a term he coined to describe his novel approach to making all primary
> research (including both successful and failed experiments) open to
> the public in real time. ONS, he believed—and demonstrated—could
> significantly impact the future of science by reducing financial and
> computational restraints and by granting public access to the raw data
> that shapes scientific conclusions.
> "...In the past, trusting people might have been a necessary evil [of
> research]," Bradley said. "Today, it is a choice. Optimally, trust
> should have no place in science."
> In June of 2013, Jean-Claude was invited to the White House for an
> "Open Science Poster Session," at which he discussed ONS' role in
> allowing he and his collaborators to confidently determine the melting
> points of over 27,000 substances, including many that were never
> before agreed upon. Currently, his research lab had been working to
> create anti-malarial compounds to aid in the synthesis of drugs to
> fight malaria. His lab's work on this project was made available to
> the public on a wiki called UsefulChem, which Jean-Claude started in
> 2005.
> Jean-Claude's philosophy of free, accessible science translated to an
> open approach in the classroom as well. Content from his undergraduate
> chemistry courses was made freely available to the public, and real
> data from the laboratory was used in assignments to practice concepts
> learned in the classroom.
> In an article in Chemistry World last April, Bradley said: "It is only
> a matter of time before the internet is saturated with free knowledge
> for all…People will remember those who were first."
> Indeed, we will remember Jean-Claude as a pioneer in the open access
> movement, an innovative researcher and colleague, and a kind and
> dedicated educator. His death impacts all who knew him, and especially
> the students, faculty and collaborators who worked with him daily. For
> anyone who may need support in dealing with this loss, we encourage
> you to reach out to the counseling professionals at Drexel's
> Counseling Center at 215-895-1415 (or 215-416-3337 after regular
> business hours).
> Our thoughts are with Jean-Claude's family and friends at this difficult
> time.
> Sincerely,
> Donna M. Murasko, PhD
> Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences”
> --
> E.L. Willighagen
> Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT
> Maastricht University (http://www.bigcat.unimaas.nl/)
> Homepage: http://egonw.github.com/
> LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/egonw
> Blog: http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/
> PubList: http://www.citeulike.org/user/egonw/tag/papers
> ORCID: 0000-0001-7542-0286
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