The journal Quantum ( is taking a somewhat
similar approach, though they have not been able to get the cost to
zero...though you can pay nothing (more of an honor system). See for

It is an interesting approach, journals for researchers run by researchers.
The hard part is to get enough "rich" researchers to not pay for open- or
closed access (library pays). A lot of journals are driven by professional
societies. To get around those, it would mean increasing memberships to the
professional societies, i.e. a bit more socialist approach. So, changing
business models is not just a publisher issue I think. If we could convince
one society to go free open-access, it might help get the
transformation started.


On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 12:14 PM Peter Murray-Rust <> wrote:

> Introducing Jean-Sebastian Caux,
> J-S is a theoretical condensed matter physicist developing the strategy
> and practice of Diamond Access (no-fee publication/reading) in science.
> This started with physics and he is now adding chemistry. I think BO will
> be a great place to find volunteers and information.
> He writes:
> >>>>
> Separately, on the SciPost side, here follow a couple of points worth
> sharing.
> After establishing our activities in Physics, we'd really like to extend
> our services to the community in Chemistry.
> The idea is to apply precisely the same guiding principles
> (not-for-profit; academics-led; open refereeing etc, see
> while developing the Chemistry branch. As a
> kind of separate note, it's important to understand that SciPost is
> proposing a very different business model than those currently discussed
> (APCs, etc). The details of this are explained at
> .
> We have already defined a couple of journals, most importantly SciPost
> Chemistry (see which we would like
> to breathe life into.
> The most important foundation stone for this is to build an Editorial
> College in Chemistry. We already have a handful of people (see
> but we're looking for 30 - 50
> more to give proper momentum. Fellows should be academics with very high
> reputation and with their heart in the right place as far as reforming
> academic publishing is concerned. The workflow for Fellows is summarized at
> (the official by-laws
> are at
> <<<<
> It is clear that "transformational agreements" , where funders pay the OA
> costs (APCs) create more problems than they solve. If you are not employed
> by a rich, Northern, university then you can't publish. I'm working with
> groups in India and Latin America and it's clear we shall only be able to
> publish in a Diamond Access journal. APCs of 2000 - 5000 USD are completely
> beyond academics in the Global South or scientists not employed in rich
> institutions (I am retired). I think the TAs allow publishers to increase
> charges enormously and are globally and socially divisive.
> The answer is Diamond journals and preprints.
> I am working with J-S to search and index equations in physics journals
> (it could also apply to chemical physics and physical chemistry). The
> goals include:
> * ontological help for authors
> * novel search tools for readers
> If you believe that Diamond journals are the way forward or feel that the
> Global South and non-academics get a bad deal from current publishing then
> please join us.
> P
> --
> "I always retain copyright in my papers, and nothing in any contract I
> sign with any publisher will override that fact. You should do the same".
> Peter Murray-Rust
> Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
> Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry
> University of Cambridge
> CB2 1EW, UK
> +44-1223-336432
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