On Dec 3, 2021, at 02:33, Suliman Sharif <sharifsulim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> our generation gets to have a little fun where machine representation and 
> manipulation of chemical objects has been mostly figured out,

When was the current state of machine representation figured out?

As a reminder, there's an infinite number of structures that SMILES can't 
handle. (Endohedral fullerenes and catenanes, to name two.)

And 3D structures are at best a snapshot of a flexible structure.

>  We need a designated cheminformatic curriculum to explain what 
> cheminformatics is in the first place

Does cheminformatics include its roots in library science? Or are those now 
different fields?

(Given your use of "cheminformatic", I'm going to guess it will be some time 
before you get back to me on the puzzles. ;)

> For example a first chapter could be teaching SMILES

The thing about pedagogical selection of what to teach isn't "people should 
learn X" but rather "people don't need to know Y, and should learn X instead."

What topics should receive less coverage, in order to teach SMILES, graph 
theory, etc?

FWIW, while I lack the time and money for it, I've wanted to develop a 
"foundations of cheminformatics" book for a decade. The first chapter wouldn't 
be SMILES, it would be the Hill system, then chemical formulas, and only then 
SMILES. For example,


or my PyCon video at 
https://archive.org/details/pyvideo_265___ply-and-pyparsing-93 .

> So maybe implement your own InChl Key algorithm.

Meaning, a grounding in graph canonicalization and the nauty algorithm?

That's pretty esoteric even in cheminformatics. At least, I've not done that.

> Another chapter could be how these titan databases (ZincDB, EnamineDB, 
> pubmed) were constructed and coded in doing rapid download etc. You learn a 
> lot doing this and I think it would be fun.

Seems like the history of CAS (which is quite interesting, esp. if you include 
the politics) and knowing how to use SciFinder effectively would be more 
important to a lot of people.

To be clear, CAS is very much NOT Open Data, and rather the antithesis of Blue 

But if your textbook is to have any inroads, you'll need to convince people 
whose future careers will likely be closely tied to ChemDraw and SciFinder that 
they need to learn other skills instead.

As an aside to the list, in a hypothetical textbook, I would think 2D-based 
input is an important component. What's the FOSS equivalent to ChemDraw? 
ChemDoodle Web Component? JSME is not distributed in "the preferred form of the 
work for making modifications to it" (quoting the GPL).

>  What do you guys think? Any of these ideas hitting?

I'm too jaded, in that I feel like I've seen all these ideas before and 
participated in some of them, and they never made an impact outside the core 

Which is fine! That's all they meant to do.

But you want to 'refine education', which is far broader, and that's not an 
effort I feel like doing.


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