Hi Jeff,

> Am having some other difficulty. Cant get sendmail to listen on port 25.
> 465 and 587 work, however... POP and IMAP don't start either, secure or
> not...
> Well, if I start dovecot manually, it works but every time I make a change
> in the BO GUI dovecot shuts down.
> Sendmail seems to start and stop based on the checkmarks in the BO GUI, but
> the standard MTA port is dead.
> Can I have some help with this?

I think I have an idea what that could be. Please take a look at the directory 
/usr/sausalito/scripts/ on your box. Inside there are setup scripts that 
usually are run once during initial install of BlueOnyx. Possibly they were 
not run first time around when you installed.

Run each of these scripts once from the command line as "root". Once that's 
done, restart CCEd and then please try it again.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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