I would be interested to hear comments on the following. We have a user who was 
having problems getting his website working. He sent me the following 
explanation as to what was happening and I wondered whether anybody could shed 
some light as to why? On a BX 5106 box.


"Ok, All pages on the site are generated through a script called page.php, this 
script needs a query string parameter (called pid) to work out which page on 
the website to build and show to the user.  All the navigation code in the CMS 
knows to call each page using the scheme:/page/pageid/some_descriptive_text, 
this both makes the URLs look a little more friendly and helps with SEO.  There 
is then the .htaccess file with some rewrite rules which take requests for 
/page/pageid/some_descriptive_text and convert them into /page.php?pid=pageid, 
which is all fairly standard stuff.
The problem we're having is that before any of the rewrite rules get called and 
this conversion happens, something (I think possibly at Apache or php.ini 
level) is catching the /page/ part of the requested URL and converting it 
straight to /page.php meaning that the rewrite rules are never fired and the 
capture of the pageid query string parameter within the URL doesn't happen, 
thus CMS doesn't know what page to retrieve from the database and the site 
The reason I think this is server level is because it seems to do it with other 
pages as well so if we set up a page called /test.php and then call /test/ in 
the browser, we still get the contents of /test.php even though that's not what 
we asked for."

He has managed a work around:

" Interestingly, I've just noticed that calling the REQUEST_URI server variable 
from within PHP returns the originally requested URL ... I have been able to 
extract the page id from the REQUEST_URI variable if it's not available in the 
query string, and I have added that code into the main code tree ..."

But I would be interested as to why this is happening in case it rears its head 



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