Hi Gustavo,

> Sorry for bringing this subject again but was this fixed last update?
>  I have a costumer that insists in using this ... I've wasted all my latin
> trying to change his mind but he's thick as a rock. Looks like despite
> everything the subject of the auto-reply is still: "ERROR"

AFAIK this was fixed on 4th April ...


... and released to the YUM repositories on the same day.

I tested it with a user whose GUI I had set to English, German, Danish and 
Japanese and who had auto-reply enabled. After each change of the GUI language 
for that user I emailed him and the Subject was always correct and the 
vacation message body was also shown correctly.

Do you still get the wrong subject in auto-reply messages?

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

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