Just came across this issue.  My reseller admin used to be able to look at
the failed logins for blocked users, and was able to unblock them as
necessary, however I wasn't able to find anywhere under admin management to
add that capability to the reseller admins.
Am I correct, or am I missing something?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: blueonyx-boun...@mail.blueonyx.it [mailto:blueonyx-
> boun...@mail.blueonyx.it] On Behalf Of Michael Stauber
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 12:23 PM
> To: BlueOnyx General Mailing List
> Subject: [BlueOnyx:14874] Re: New "reseller" admin assignments - Howto
> Hi Chuck,
> > But I can't find where in the GUI that you can "assign" virtual site
> > ownership to one administrator or another.  So where do you assign a
> > "owner" to a virtual site?
> Ok, login as "admin" to the GUI. Go to "Site Management". Click on a
> site that you want to hand off to a "Server Admin".
> Click on "General Settings". There is a new "Owner" entry with a
> pulldown. Select the name of the "Server Admin" from that pulldown and
> save the changes.
> Now go back to "Server Management" / "Server Administrators". Click on
> the pen icon next to the server admin's name.
> Make sure that user has the following Abilities:
> "Virtual Site Management"
> "Site DNS Management"
> If you like, you can give him additional rights beyond that. But the
> above two are the minimum of rights they need to see and to administer
> the sites in question.
> Also check the "Virtual Site Administration" entries on that same page.
> Make sure the "Maxmimum Disk Quota", "Number of Sites" and "Maximum
> Users" match. They should be (at minimum) roughly equal to the number of
> sites, disk quota and users that the sites under their control currently
> have. More is good, less is bad.
> As long as a "Server Administrator" has less sites than "Number of
> Sites" says, he can create additional sites.
> As long as the sites under his control have less diskspace and less
> users than "Maximum Users" dictates, they can create additional users
> and can assign diskspace to them.
> > But now - they can't do anything!
> You see, which menu entries a "server administrator" sees in the GUI now
> totally depends on the "Abilities" he has. If you grant him "Active
> Monitor Status", he can see the status of the active monitor.
> If you give him "Software Updates Management", he can see and use the
> "Software Updates" tab and everything below it.
> If you give him "Power Settings", he can even power down and/or reboot
> the entire server, as he then has access to the "Server Management" /
> "System Settings" / "Power" menus.
> So this allows for a really finely grained access to various parts of
> the GUI. How much or how little access you grant is now entirely up to
> you.
> > Oh, and can you assign more than one "owner" to a virtual site?
> No. At this time that's not possible. Sites can only be assigned to a
> single "server administrator". Past that only "admin" has access to
> those sites.
> Something else: You also might want to check "System Settings" / "IP
> Address Allocation".
> Because now you can specify which IP address(es) a "Server
> Administrator" can use. So when a "Server Administrator" attempts to
> create a new Vsite, he can only assign IP addresses to the new site that
> are under his control.
> This is useful if you hand out separate IP's to separate clients. In
> that case their "server administrators" can't use IP's that are beyond
> their reach. It also saves you from hassles where a "server
> administrator" tries to use an IP that you don't even own or that's used
> on an entirely different box.
> And yes: IP addresses can have multiple owners. So you can grant various
> "server administrators" usage to the same IP.
> --
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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