Hi Michael,
I just discovered that the # character gets rejected in a MariaDB password
on 5209R.

- Ernie.

> Hi Ernie,
> > What characters are illegal in passwords nowadays?
> > When did it change?
> It's defined here:
> http://devel.blueonyx.it/trac/browser/BlueOnyx/5209R/utils/cce/server/basetypes.schema
> This is the relevant code and the comments for it:
> <!-- Please note the password regexp. It forbids certain elements from
> the *octal* ASCII table.
>      Forbidden:
>      ==========
>      Anything between octal 001 and 040 control chars and space
>      Octal \042, which means: "
>      Octal \046, which means: &
>      Octal \047, which means: '
>      Octal \057, which means: /
>      Octal \074, which means: <
>      Octal \076, which means: >
>      Octal \077, which means: ?
>      Octal \100, which means: @
>      Octal \133-\140, which means: [ \ ] ^ _ `
>      Octal \173-\177, which means: { | } ~ and DELete key.
>      See:
> https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/ece390/books/labmanual/ascii-code-table.html
>      Still allowed chars:
>      ====================
>      Any alphanumeric character plus: !#$%()*+,-.:;=
> -->
> <typedef
>       name="password"
>       type="re"
> data="^[^\001-\040\042\046\047\057\074\076\077\100\133-\140\173-\177]{6,24}$"
> />
> -- 
> With best regards
> Michael Stauber
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