

I did update several servers with mysql/mariadb package from
shop.blueonyx.it and it did always run like a charme. No actions afterwards.
Also updating to 10.3 and some minutes later to 10.4 was no problem.

What you should note is that a backup is created in /home/ for each upgrade.
This means that there must be at least as much free space under /home as the
database is sized before the upgrade. When everything is running, you can
delete the update.

However, I have not yet heard of problems with mariadb 10.2 under php 7.4?


Best regards,



blackpoint GmbH – Friedberger Straße 106b – 61118 Bad Vilbel 

Von: Blueonyx <blueonyx-boun...@mail.blueonyx.it> Im Auftrag von Michael
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. Juli 2020 21:51
An: 'BlueOnyx General Mailing List' <blueo...@blueonyx.it>
Betreff: [BlueOnyx:24072] MariaDB upgrade info


I am still running MariaDB 10.2 but since I am moving to PHP 7.4 I figured I
should also upgrade MariaDB finally.


So I have a few questions.


1.      Does anyone have any advise on this? 
2.      After installing MariaDB 10.4 from Solarspeed do I need to manually
run the mysql_upgrade?
3.      Problems to look out for? Good or bad experiences?


M Aronoff – maron...@gmail.com <mailto:maron...@gmail.com> 


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