Today's Topic Summary

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  - Know the deathly reality of nuclear energy [1 Update]

Topic: Know the deathly reality of nuclear energy
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/bm_discussion/t/4629c545ffe6967e

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From: "अभिजित Abhijit" <abhiji...@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 16 09:49AM +0530
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/bm_discussion/msg/dee6e9f1cadec583

After the nightmare of Fukushima nuclear accident, the nuclear energy debate
has started once again, fortunately. As a matter of fact, nuclear energy is
deathly and being opposed all over the world.

To know more about the reality of nuclear energy, you can refer to one draft
of this book which is going to be published soon.


अभिजित अ. मी.  Abhijit A. M.
Phone: +91 9422308125

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