Hi Ray,

I'm a BME student in Melbourne.
I am interested in jobs such as this but was wondering what level of
experience I would require in order to apply? For further down the track?


Nicola Andrews

Sent from my iPhone

> On 30 Apr 2014, at 10:17 am, "Ray Bowles" <ray.bow...@gvhealth.org.au>
> Hi,
> Just wondering if anyone out there would be interested in a three week
> stint in early June in Phnom Penh, Cambodia teaching trainee Biomed
> Techs as part of an EWH program.
> We have a need for someone to teach basic Anaesthesia machine and
> Ventilator  theory, maintenance and troubleshooting.
> Short notice unfortunately.
> Just testing the water.
> Regards
> Ray Bowles
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