
There is a potential donation of GE Dash 4000 monitors to one of the
pacific island countries. If anyone has any experience with this model, I'd
appreciate to receive your comments on its use, maintenance and highlight
any particular issue that we need to be aware of.

Would also like to know if technical support is still available for this
model or maybe better if you could provide me with a contact in GE (Aus or
NZ) whom I could liaise with.


*Nehal Kapadia (Ms)*

*Biomedical Engineering Coordinator*

Strengthening Specialised Clinical Services in the Pacific (SSCSiP)

College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Fiji National University

Private Mail Bag

Suva, FIJI

P:   +679 331 1700 ext 3140   | Mbl:  +679 868 1205

E:   nehal.kapa...@fnu.ac.fj  | Alt E: kapadia.ne...@gmail.com

W:  http://www.sscsip.org/
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