G'day everyone, We have had a problem with patients accidentally being connected to wall Air outlets when they should have been connected to Oxygen.
Has anyone else found that this is a problem? Some of the guys in the Biomed department at Flinders Medical Centre came up with a device for fitting to medical air flow meters, to make the difference between Air and Oxygen flow meters more obvious. This does seem to have made quite a difference to the number of Air-Oxygen misconnection incidents. If anyone is interested in trialling a few of these devices please let me know and I'll mail some to you. Pictures of these devices "AirGuards" can be seen on our website http://www.fbe.com.au/AirGuard/AirGuard.html Mark McEwen FBE Pty Ltd Biomedical Engineering Flinders Medical Centre Bedford Park SA 5042 ph: 618 8204 5263 fax: 618 8204 5840 To unsubscribe from the bmelist, send a blank email from the subscribed address to bmelist-unsubscr...@bme.asn.au