Hi All,

See Mohan's email below for those interested.



From: mohan.karunani...@csiro.au [mailto:mohan.karunani...@csiro.au]
Sent: Monday, 2 April 2012 10:46 AM
To: Stallman, Kelly
Subject: Job opportunity for a Biomedical Engineer

Dear Kelly
There is a research scientist opportunity for Biomedical Engineer in CSIRO in 
the area of Mobile Health and Telehealth. Is there a way to advertise this in 
the Engineers Australia issue or website. The link to the job opportunity is 

Best Regards,


Dr. Mohan Karunanithi
Research Team Leader, The Australian E-Health Research Centre, ICT- Centre
Senior Member IEEE and Vice-Chair of IEEE Qld EMBS Chapter
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Medicine, University of Queensland
Level 5, UQ Health Sciences Building 901/16, Royal Brisbane and Women's 
Hospital, Herston QLD 4029 Australia
Ph: +61-7-3253 3623 Fax: +61-7-3253 3690 Mob. +61 (0) 411 700 476  Email: 
Web: http://aehrc.com

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