Thanks to everyone for their responses on this, I now have quite a substantial 
list of people that I can call upon for assistance, it is much appreciated.
For everyone's info the scenario is......We are converting to a safe enteral 
feeding system that removes the risk of cross connection...from feed to IV. 
This necessitates the use of dedicated syringe drivers in our neo-natal areas 
as our standard Asena GH's do not recognise the brand of syringe to be used and 
we cannot afford the dedicated Asena enteral pump as we need approx. 30 of 
them.  The company supplying the system has committed to supplying a syringe 
driver, in the "correct colour" (orange in SA) as part of the deal , but did 
not have a pump in their range to offer immediately. We have been working 
closely with them as they attempt to source a pump from China. The first 
attempt missed the mark pretty badly, this latest version is very close to the 
mark. The problem that we have is around calibration of the unit, it has 12 
"channels" so that it can accommodate 12 different syringe brands and we 
require that they are all calibrated identically. This message is not getting 
through clearly, particularly around one channel that come with calibration 
that is for factory use of some description......but it is wrong for our 
syringe brand. With 3 countries and 3 different languages involved and some of 
the people being sales rather than engineering, you can imagine our desire to 
have a simple one to one engineering discussion minus the language 
difficulties. There are people ready to get onto planes to try and sort this 
face to face, but I think that it could be resolved in 5 minutes with the right 
people having a focussed discussion. I will contact people that have offered to 
help when we get to that point
Thanks again

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