We are re-visiting our KPI's at the moment and I am interested in what people 
may be using as a measure of meeting customer service level expectations.  
There are the usual ones such as average turnaround time for repairs, % repairs 
completed in same day/week, % of scheduled PM's completed within a specified 
period etc etc.
Has anyone taken metrics such as this a step further? For example if reporting 
on "% of jobs completed same day", this gives no information on whether the 
jobs being completed are the ones that actually matter. It becomes relatively 
easy to simply manage the KPI by completing all of the quick and easy jobs and 
mis-managing the important or urgent ones.  I am particularly interested in 
what processes people may use when getting customers to define a level of 
urgency. Simply stating "urgent" does not mean a great deal, it is very 
contextual. We could ask customers to specify a time line for example e.g. 
<1hour, same day, same week etc or we could simply survery them occasionally 
asking "Does our repair turnaround time meet your expectatioins?"
Please share your thoughts and/or strategies around this
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