Can we add them to the support page?


-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto:        Manifiesto de apoyo.
Data:   Thu, 16 Jun 2011 16:50:06 -0500
De:     Gerardo Sagbay - Grupo Informático <gerardo_sag...@grupoinfoec.com>
Para:   i...@documentfoundation.org

Manifiesto de apoyo de:

"La llegada de LibreOffice marca un hito en el desarrollo de la humanidad en lo referente al uso de tecnologias y su libertad intrinseca, nos sentimos alentados con la presencia de The Document Foundation y su grupo de tecnicos, visionarios e innovadores que nos han puesto a transitar por terrenos solidos, con la esperanza de un futuro brillante, salud por ello!"

"The arrival of LibreOffice a milestone in the development of humanity in relation to the use of technology and its intrinsic freedom, we are encouraged by the presence of the Document Foundation and his group of technicians, visionaries and innovators who have made travel on solid ground, with the hope of a bright future, long life for it!"



Grupo Informático

Olivier Hallot
Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation
Voicing the enterprise needs
LibreOffice translation leader for Brazilian Portuguese

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