
Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2013-03-30 18:09:

www.google.com CET <enter>

I have given up on that for certain things. ;-)

Well, the issue here is that UTC, of course, does not have that funky
'daylight-saving' thing... so if you pick UTC then you will have to
ask for a vote like this 2twice a year for the foreseable future...
Note: you can announce the time in UTC but still have an agreement
that the time is _based_ on a CET time... so that you won;t have to do
a vote for a 'change' twice a year.

As we need to have approved the formal voting for the new time until Wednesday's call, and given it's Easter holidays - how about I simply afterwards make another formal vote, that includes both times, like "from Nov to Mar it's 1600 UTC and from Mar to Nov it's 1500 UTC"? That way, we keep UTC, but avoid voting every 6 months.


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