
please find below the board meeting minutes from the BoD meeting on
January 22nd.

This message is to be archived by the BoD and its deputies.

Best, Thorsten


Minutes 2014-01-22
The Document Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting
Call Minutes

Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Location: Phone Conference Room

Session chair: Thorsten Behrens (Deputy Chairman of the Board)
Keeper of the minutes: Michael Meeks (Board of Directors)

In the call: Thorsten Behrens (Deptuy Chairman of the Board), Caolán
McNamara (Board of Directors), Michael Meeks (Board of Directors), Italo
Vignoli (Board of Directors), Björn Michaelsen (Board of Directors),
Andreas Mantke (Deputy Board of Directors), Joel Madero (Board of
Directors Elect), Fridrich Strba (Board of Directors Elect), Eike Rathke
(Deputy Board of Directors Elect).

Representations: None.

Deputy Chairman of the Board is in the call. One of the Chairman or
Deputy is required to be present or represented for having a quorate call.

The Board of Directors at time of the call consists of 7 seat holders
without deputies. In order to be quorate, the call needs to have 1/2 of
the Board of Directors members, which gives 4. A total of 5 Board of
Directors members or their representatives are attending the call.

The board waives all formal statutory requirements, or requirements in
the foundations articles, or other requirements regarding form and
invitation, time limits, and for the topics discussed in this meeting.

The call is quorate.

 From now on, a quorum can be reached with a simple majority of 3 votes.

The meeting commences at 16:30 UTC. It was held in private as the board
saw a need for confidentiality during discussions. The results are now
being made public in accordance with our statutes.

1. Approval of budget items

Florian Effenberger is not in the call.

Proposal: Approve the following budget items effective immediately:

Operations/Legal - Legal fees - € 15,000.00
Conference - Conference budget - € 8,000.00
Operations - Higher fees for the head association of foundations - € 850.00
Operations - Administrative assistant - € 12,000.00
Infrastructure - Part-time infrastructure administrator - € 25,000.00
Operations - Top-up time for executive director role - € 20,000.00
Operations - Prolongue release engineer's contract after June - € 44,000.00

Result of vote: 5 approvals, 0 neutral, 0 disapprovals.

The present Deputies of the Board support this proposal unanimously.
The present Board of Directors Elect support this proposal unanimously.
The present Deputy Board of Directors Elect support this proposal

Decision: The above budget items have been approved.

The meeting adjournes at 17:30 UTC.

Michael Meeks (Keeper of the minutes)
Thorsten Behrens (Session chair)


-- Thorsten

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