The Document Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting 2020-01-17
Meeting Minutes

Date: 2020-01-17
Location: Jitsi

Session chair: Björn Michaelsen
Keeper of the minutes: Michael Meeks

In the meeting: Björn (Board), Michael (Board), Thorsten (Board), Cor (Board), Simon (Deputy), Kendy (Deputy); Emiliano (new board), Daniel (new board), Nicolas (new board), Lothar (new board), Paolo (new board); Florian (ED)

Representation: Simon for Marina

Deputy Chairman of the Board is in the meeting. One of the Chairwoman or Deputy Chairman is required to be present or represented for having a quorate call.

The Board of Directors at time of the call consists of 7 seat holders without deputies. In order to be quorate, the call needs to have 1/2 of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4. A total of 5 Board of Directors members are attending the call.

The board waives all formal statutory requirements, or requirements in the foundations articles, or other requirements regarding form and invitation, time limits, and for the topics discussed in this meeting.

The meeting is quorate and invitation happened in time. From now on, motions can be passed with the agreement of a simple majority of those remaining present. The majority threshold is currently 3.

The meeting commences at 14:06 Berlin time.


Public part:

1. Discussion: FOSDEM (15 min.)
    + Other ideas ?
    + Proposal for new board to adopt (Simon)
        + start of every meeting - declaration of CoI for agenda.
        + starting with the TDF board - include an opportunity for
          directors present for items on the agenda.
        + for the new board to decide.
        + last week actually saw one declared
        + never a dispute later about declations
        + makes sense to vote when new BoD is in-place (Bjoern)
    + no other comments.
    + Before / after lunch
        + retrospectives on the project etc.
        + hope to have this as a collaborative round-the-table
        + good idea to have some ideas about your oversight areas
+ link here:
AI: + schedule: Thur. evening BoD dinner (Florian/Italo)
        + can continue discussions over dinner
        + different tone & environment to continue things (Simon)
            + a great place to resolve disputes / complexities
            + board only, and required
+ cheese & wine place near the Bourse (?) -

2. Discussion: "appoint Sophie as new CoC contact person" (15 min.)
    + suggest we vote on this now (Michael)
        + thought the meeting was last week wrt. advanced notice.
        + existing rules of procedure have 3 days of notice (Thorsten)
        + prevents blind-siding of non-native speakers (Bjoern)
    + Vote: "appoint Sophie as a new CoC contact person"
        + unanimous approval from everyone.
    + Announce & thanks for Bubli:
+ how urgent is this ? (wondering if this needs a proper PR before FOSDEM) (Bjoern)
        + done by publishing the minutes (Thorsten)
    + The Board wishes to thank 'Bubli' Behrens for all of her
      hard work on CoC issues over many years, and her service in
      this role.
    + Should we advertise the CoC around FOSDEM ? (Simon)
        + in opening-statement for Devroom / Hackathon ? (Bjoern)
            + seems reasonable.

Public meeting ends 14:25 Berlin time.

Björn Michaelsen (Session chair)
Michael Meeks (Keeper of the minutes)

Florian Effenberger, Executive Director (Geschäftsführer)
Tel: +49 30 5557992-50 | Mail:
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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