
After a long discussion at the design group, I promote to have an
LibreOffice whatever it is called free edition and an additional enterprise
edition together on the download LibreOffice.org webpage.

The free (community/volunteer) edition come from TDF and there will be the
donate button. All donations go to TDF.

In the enterprise section the ecosystem partners can offer there releases.
Like an lts release for x € or an auto-update release, installation
support, ... The money for the enterprise release go to the ecosystem
partner how offer the release.

With LibreOffice brand license TDF can manage stuff. However I get the
information that home/private users donate for LibO. Enterprises ordinary
not, which is not fair so there should be an system which is fair for

I'm general against open core and closed source additions, but it doesn't
mean that an enterprise edition has to have closed source additions.

I get the information that a lot of companies use LibreOffice for free and
the support was done by an company how don't contribute back. Have an
volunteer/community edition will show the user you use an edition which is
not designed for you. When by the support from an ecosystem partner they
will get an enterprise release which promote our ecosystem partners for
governments, enterprises, ... and LibO has the benefits that the ecosystem
partners contribute back.

I think there is a clear statement needed that community and ecosystem
partners are all work together make LibreOffice better for everyone. There
is no second class LibO release there is only an unbalance between
donations from private users and companies which shouldn't be.



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